Count the Cost

I’ve been thinking about the cost of Christianity as of late, what does it cost to be a true disciple of Christ, what does it look like to live (not just profess but rather live) as a Christian.  


“Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” -2 Timothy 3:12


This is one of those verses that when I finish reading it, I sarcastically say to myself “wow, that is SO encouraging” my response is really similar when I read Luke 10:3 about how Jesus sends us out as “sheep among wolves.” Jesus and the writers of the new testament love the church, thus they don’t always tell us things that tickle our ears, rather at times they share hard truths that challenge, prepare, and warn us. Though this verse isn’t one which we naturally get excited by, I do believe that as we grow to live for eternity and the things of the Kingdom of God, we will be excited by it. We will see the honor and privilege it is to shine as a light in a dark place, we will have a heart of love for God and people, and we find it our joy to lay our lives down for others. God is raising up an army of believers who have kissed this world goodbye and chosen rather to live every moment with eternities values in view! Remember, “life is a vapor..”- James 4:14 and we are called to “store up our treasures in heaven..” -Matthew 6:20.


This verse should test us, is the life we are living for the Kingdom of God actually causing the devil to hate us?..or is He not really too worried about our Christian walk? Is the life of purity and holiness we are living actually causing the world to mock and persecute us? Does our life actually convict or challenge anyone? Do our friends and coworkers see that there is clearly something different about us? Are we sharing our faith, which at times leads to rejection? These are questions that rise in my heart as I read this verse.


Now please hear me, I’m not saying that we should go out and be a jerk and shove the gospel down people’s throats. We shouldn’t try to be persecuted, that’s just dumb lol, we should always walk in love, truth, purity and power. Though a life that is really lived for God, is so contrary to the natural ways of the world that you will be labeled as different. You will be persecuted to some extent, so then the question becomes, does my life look different from the lives of those in the world?  


Something I personally desire, and I hear many in the church confessing the same, is that they want to know the Holy Spirit in an intimate way. The apostle John calls the Holy Spirit in Greek the Paraclete, this word means: the “Helper,” “Advocate,” “Counselor,” or “Comforter.” I believe that many of us want to know the Comforter but we don’t live a life that needs comfort. Are we living Godly? Are we counting the cost and paying the price of living Godly? Are we willing to lay down worldly comfort to step into this call leading to persecution which is for every Christian? May our lives be so radical for Jesus that we are constantly living and walking in uncomfortable situations, which perfectly postures us to encounter and develop an intimate relationship with the Comforter! I believe we can stand in the midst of lives raging storms and have more peace and comfort which comes through the Holy Spirit, then we would with glassy seas and no fellowship with the Holy Spirit who is Comfort Himself.  


Let’s live this Christian life no matter the cost friends, when we stand on eternities shore, we won’t for a moment regret it!




Tim Glasgo
December 15, 2021

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