Truth and Feelings

I have often heard it said, “feelings aren’t right or wrong, they are just feelings” I think I understand the premise of this, and there is a goodness behind this thinking. When we don’t see eye to eye with someone, or we have a misunderstanding, it’s best not to pick at each other’s feelings. We should seek to understand each other, give each other grace and validate how they feel, even if we don’t understand how or why they feel that way.


While acknowledging that, I want to speak about another way, in which feelings can in fact be very wrong, very broken, and should be given no space or place in our lives.


To be clear, I’m talking about our own feelings and not others. More specifically, I’m talking about our feelings and where they do or do not align with the truth of God’s Word.


Here is what I mean. Sometimes I feel like I am unworthy of being loved… my feelings are wrong and I should give them no place. Sometimes I feel like I have to earn God’s love, that is a lie and I should not give any respect to that lie.


Sometimes, feelings are wrong. Sometimes our own feelings can betray us and send us in a direction we have no business going.


I believe we need to honor the fact that we are a feeling people, feelings as a whole are a gift from God, but not all feelings are right or good.  


My encouragement to you today, is begin to ask God to help you learn to place your feelings beside the truth of what God says. When there is a space or difference, trust God and His way. Without becoming negative toward your feelings as a whole, begin to reject the feelings that stand in contrast to His voice, and keep them from dragging you down to places He doesn’t want you.


Love you!

November 24, 2021

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