Don't Miss What God is Doing

As I was watching a video portrayal of events in The Bible, I began to ponder how often people have missed what God was doing in their midst at their time in history. The Lord, through Noah, warned the people of impending disaster, yet only 8 souls escaped. Throughout the story of the exodus people were given opportunities to see the hand of God move, but instead they panicked, or complained or argued with Moses when tests arose.  It seems that the Israelites wanted and expected things to go a certain way, and they became upset when God did things differently.

In Exodus 33:13 Moses prays “. . . let me know your ways . . . “Ps 95: 10 God states “. . .They do not know my ways . . .”

 Jesus said in Matthew 15:18 “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me”. To me, what is disturbing here is that Jesus was in Israel in the midst of the chosen people and the leaders and the teachers and the priests of the living God; I.E. the church of His day and time. The priests, scribes, and Pharisees were waiting for a messiah who would validate their legalism and elevate their positions. Many of the regular folks were looking for a military leader who would liberate them from Rome.  Many Israelites were expecting the Christ to set up a global kingdom in Jerusalem. It seems the disciples were expecting to rule the world, right up until the crucifixion. They all missed Him. How often did He say to them, “Have you not read . . .”?  Jesus wept over Jerusalem because they were missing Him. They were missing what God was doing right in front of them. How much of them missing everything was due to the people having preconceived ideas and expectations that did not match what God was doing.

So, to me/us today; Do I have ears to hear? Am I hearing His voice? Are my eyes open? Am I seeing what He is doing?  I don’t want to live my life just hearing about what happened somewhere yesterday. I don’t want to be among those who always seem to miss Him because He’s not doing what they thought it would look like.  I can’t afford to miss Him because He’s not doing things “my way on my schedule”.  We will be on the side of the road not seeing God if we make Him fit into our plan. If we are busy with many things, whether spiritual or mundane, and not looking for Him, we will probably not see Him. If we are not watching and listening we will not be aware when He is moving.

  In Revelation, the churches were getting off the track. The apostle Paul wrote letters including correction to some of the early Christians.  When speaking to the disciples, Jesus warned about deception in the end times.  Any of us can become confused about what we think God is doing or should be doing.  We must be on guard through prayer and time in The Word and fellowship with those who are careful before The Lord. In these last days, I don’t want to be one who asks, “What happened?”  Rather, I want to be among those who proclaim, “come see what’s happening!”
JUNE 30, 2021

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