When God Gets in the Way

When God Gets in the Way

God has gifted all of us in really awesome ways. The diversity, creativity, breadth of gifting, and mix of approach in people is something to behold.


I love working with people who are right in their lane of gifting. I love working with people as they’re finding how God has gifted them. I love encouraging people in their first steps of walking into an area God has gifted them.


For me, it is a real thrill.


All that being said, the gifts and talents God has given us, can also get in the way.


I’ll use myself as an example… one of the ways God has gifted me is in study and research. I love to study, I love to read, I love to learn, I love to discover. This has helped and blessed me over the years, and it has helped others as well.


This has also gotten me into trouble, and caused significant hurt to others, and no not in a petty way, like jealousy or competition.


Sometimes, I’m so lost in my thoughts or study, that I completely miss the people standing next to me. Sometimes I miss important conversations, or important parts to conversations because something happened or was said that sent my mind off into a completely unrelated direction or area.


Those rabbit trails are a lot of fun to me… they are also extremely disrespectful and uncaring to those I am with.


I’ve heard it said, that too much of anything in one direction can lead to something bad. I’m not sure if that is always true, but it is definitely often true.


Galatians 5:13 says, “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”


God has called us to live full, lovely, exciting, fruitful lives of freedom. How we live them however, matters a lot to Him. If we run so quickly in our lane of comfort, that we step on and over people along the way, we are missing it.


So here is my encouragement to you, and to me. Let’s be thankful and excited about how and where God has gifted us. Let’s honor him by growing and stepping out in our areas of gifting; all while seeing, I mean really seeing the people around us, and how we are impacting them. Then let’s ask God to help our blessed life of freedom, look and feel like love to those around us.


Thankful for you!

APRIL 7, 2021

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