The Deadly Snare of \"Deconstruction\" and \"Self Discovery\"

The Deadly Snare of “Deconstruction” and “Self-Discovery”
By: Mary McEvoy
I want to open this with something the Lord spoke to me this morning. “You are a weapon against darkness to the degree that you live in the light of Christ.” Lately I have been noticing some winds of deception that have swept across the nation and through the American church.

 Ephesians 4:14 talks about the importance of maturing in our knowledge of Jesus so that “we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful schemes.”

We are warned multiple times in scripture to guard against deception and to stand in opposition against the wisdom and spirit of the age. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that there has never been a time where obvious deception is more widely embraced by people who claim to know Christ.

 “Deconstruction” and “Self-discovery” have become the quickest and most deadly snares for too many Christians who at one time had a sincere devotion to Christ. Deconstruction is basically the idea that one should question and break down every belief they’ve been taught. If people on this journey used scripture to inform and re-evaluate their beliefs, this would not be a problem. Unfortunately it’s leading to a false Jesus. It is causing people to create a God in the image of themselves.

This false Jesus gives a license to sin in the name of “love.” While it’s natural to have doubts and questions within our Christian walk, God never calls us to deconstruction. 2 Timothy 1:13 says “Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me - a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.” We are not to engage in deconstruction. We are to bring our doubts and questions to Him.

To think it wise or valuable to scrutinize the living word of God is the height of hubris in this age we are living in. If there’s a pattern you’ve been walking in that needs to change, I urge you to return to His word and His ancient way. You will find He is full of grace and truth. Ask for the fear of the Lord to graciously steer you away from the highway to hell that is deconstruction.

Self-discovery is no different. Self-discovery is leading people to reawaken and reclaim the old-self that died with Christ. We are to put off the old self and behold our new self in the face of Christ. Many on the journey of self-discovery end up making a partnership with the spirit of the Antichrist, determining that their own minds are a reliable source of truth. God doesn’t love you so much that he would change Himself or His word. God loves you so much that while you were a sinner He spilled His son’s blood and tore the veil so that you could behold Him and be conformed to His image. We must behold Christ as He is revealed in His word and follow the spirit of truth that He gave us.

This isn’t a striving work, it is the beautiful grace of God in our lives. Friends there are many spirits constantly competing for influence over you. You must be diligent about staying in the spirit of Christ. I’ve been hearing certain phrases being spoken by seasoned Christians that sound catchy but are completely off base. I was told recently that “it’s okay that I’m not going to church right now because I know that what God is truly after is a personal relationship with me. I’m just staying strong in my faith.”

The circumstances of the pandemic opened the door wide for the enemy to blow that wind of teaching across the earth. Friends we cannot afford to be ignorant of these winds that are knocking out countless multitudes. We must stand against this and speak the truth in love. Guard against deception. I no longer want to find myself peacefully coexisting with a spirit of deception. Be peaceable and loving towards people. Wage hostile, heavenly war against the spirit of deception as the Holy Spirit leads, fixing your eyes on Jesus.

 I will conclude with Paul’s warning about deception in 2 Corinthians 11:4 “For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.”

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