Prescription for a Forgetful Heart

If I’m honest, in these last few months I’ve found myself so busy it’s often left me distracted from the most important people and rhythms in my life. Sadly this includes my walk with the Lord. I’ve noticed at times my heart growing numb to the goodness of God and feeling distant from His presence. Of course I know He’s still good, I know He’s never left, yet when I find myself in this place, it seems so hard to snap back into the, “groove” of walking with, and enjoying fellowship with Him. Psalm 103 has helped me a ton. If you’ve been in this place before or are there now, I hope this encourages you.

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits.”  Psalm 103:1-2

The word, “bless” here is the Hebrew word Barak, meaning to kneel, bow, salute, and praise!

Blessing the Lord is a prescription for a distracted and forgetful heart! This is a physical act and a literal expression that will produce spiritual fruit. Bowing on your knees, low to the ground, literally forces you and I to stop whatever it was that is preoccupying, distracting, and causing us to loose sight of His goodness. It’s pretty hard to forget Him when your are physically low and on your face before Him.


Choosing to bless, honor and exalt Him, causes us to remember Him and what He does. He is forgives, He heals, He redeems, He is steadfast in love, He is compassionate, He alone satisfies, He alone renews, He is righteous, He is just, He is slow to anger, He is our Father and He is mindful of us! Psalm 103 is one long list of His benefits!  

If you feel stuck, distracted or forgetful… choose to bless Him, praise Him and thank Him (audible praise and physically on your knees). Your heart will warm as it encounters again the goodness, benefits, and Presence of its Maker.

Love you all,


Ps. Im learning how to choose this and engage this practice in real time! It’s not always easy or convenient, but let’s grow together!
AUGUST 18, 2021

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